mardi 1 janvier 2008

Biographie Orateur : Dr. Daphna Shraga

Dr. Daphna SHRAGA

Holder of an L.L.B and L.L.M from Tel-Aviv University, and PhD from the “Institut de hautes études internationales et du developpement”, Geneva, Switzerland.
Between 1979 and 1985, served in the International Law Branch of the Judge Advocate General’s Unit in the Israel Defence Force, and joined the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs in 1989.
Participated in the drafting and negotiation of the legal framework for the establishment of the two ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Extraordinary Chambers for Cambodia, and most recently the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Published various articles on the international criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, the second generation UN-based tribunals, the applicability of international humanitarian law to UN peacekeeping operations and the applicability of the laws of occupation to UN transitional administrations (Kosovo and East Timor).

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