mardi 1 janvier 2008

Biography Professor John P. Cerone

Professor John P. Cerone teaches Public International Law, Human Rights Law, and International Criminal Law, and serves as director of the law school's Center for International Law and Policy. He has been a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, and a visiting scholar at the International Criminal Court. He has also received two Fulbright awards, at both the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He has taught courses and given guest lectures in 63 countries, across six continents.
Before joining the New England faculty in 2004, Professor Cerone was executive director of the War Crimes Research Office at American University Washington College of Law, where he served as a legal adviser to various international criminal courts and tribunals.
As a practicing international lawyer, Professor Cerone has worked for a number of different intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, including the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, and the International Crisis Group. He also has extensive field experience in conflict and post-conflict environments, such as Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, and East Timor. He is accredited by the United Nations to represent the American Society of International Law before various U.N. bodies. He has been Chair of the Human Rights Section of the Association of American Law Schools, and currently serves as Co-Chair of the Human Rights Interest Group of the American Society of International Law.

Biographie orateur : Prof. Pierre Klein

Prof. Pierre KLEIN

Pierre Klein est professeur de droit international à l'Université libre de Bruxelles et directeur du Centre de droit international de cette Université.

Il a dispensé divers enseignements de droit international public à l'Université d'Ottawa, à l'Université McGill, à l'Université du Québec à Montréal, à l'Université catholique de Louvain, à l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin), à l’Université nationale du Vietnam à Hanoï et à l’Académie de droit international de La Haye.

Il est l’auteur ou le co-auteur de trois ouvrages:

- Droit d'ingérence ou obligation de réaction ? Les possibilités d'action visant à assurer le respect des droits de la personne face au principe de non-intervention (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1992, et 2ème édition, 1996);

- La responsabilité des organisations internationales dans les ordres juridiques internes et en droit international (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1998)

- Bowett's Law of International Institutions (5ème édition, Sweet and Maxwell, Londres, 2001)

et de plus de quarante-cinq études de droit international publiées dans la Revue belge de droit international, l'Annuaire français de droit international, le Journal européen de droit international/European Journal of International Law, la Revue québécoise de droit international, la Revue de droit de l'U.L.B., ainsi que dans des ouvrages collectifs et des mélanges.

Son cours de 2003 à l’Académie de droit international de La Haye, intitulé “Le droit international à l’épreuve du terrorisme”, a été publié dans le volume 321 du Recueil des Cours (2007).
Il a également co-édité les ouvrages collectifs Démembrements d'Etats et délimitations territoriales : l'uti possidetis en question(s) (Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1999) et L'intervention en Irak et le droit international (Paris, Pedone, 2004).
Il est, avec Olivier Corten, le directeur de publication de l’ouvrage Les Conventions de Vienne sur le droit des traités - Commentaire article par article, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2006 (3 vol.).

Il a participé à plus d’une trentaine de colloques et de journées d’études, en Belgique, en France, au Canada, en Allemagne, en Espagne, en Italie, aux Pays-Bas, au Royaume-Uni, aux Etats-Unis, en Suisse et en Tunisie.

Parallèlement à ses activités académiques, il est également intervenu en qualité de conseil dans plusieurs litiges interétatiques portés devant la Cour internationale de Justice.

Courriel :
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Biographie orateur : Prof. Edoardo Greppi

Prof. Edoardo GREPPI

Born in Turin (Italy), 1953. Married, four children.

Professor of International Law, of International Organisations and of European Union Law at the Law School of the University of Turin.

Director of the Master in International Organisations, International Criminal Law and Crime Prevention (Law Faculty, University of Turin and United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute).

Former Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of the University of Valle d’Aosta, and former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Turin.

Lecturer on International Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts in the Courses of the Italian Red Cross, and in Courses and Seminars for Officers of the Italian Armed Forces at the Centre of Higher Studies for Defence (Rome) and at the Navy Institute of Military Studies (Venice) .
Lecturer at the Master Course on Peacekeeping Management of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Turin, and at the Master Course on Management of Development of the University of Turin with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Member of the Council of the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI-ISIL).

Member of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo).

Member of the Italian Society for International Organisation (SIOI), of the Societé Française pour le Droit International (SFDI), of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), of the Italian Committee for Human Rights (SIOI, Rome), of the Italian Society for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (SIPBC).
“Consultor” of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Holy See.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Political Forum (President Mikhail Gorbachev).
Associate Senior Research Fellow, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), Milan.
Author of books on International Trade in Services and on War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in International Law, and of essays and articles on various issues of International Law, International Organisation and European Union Law.

Biographie orateur: Ms Maria Telalian

Ms Maria Telalian

Legal Adviser at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
From 2003 to 2007 she served at the Permanent Mission of Greece to the UN as Minister Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Greece. During Greece’s two-year tenure as an elected member of the Security Council, she had been dealing with the Security Council and its subsidiary organs, particularly the Counter Terrorism Committee and the Sanctions Committees (Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan, Informal Working Group on General Issues on Sanctions) of which Greece had the chairmanship.
Since 2001 she is the Greek Representative at the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly and since 2007 the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Criminal Accountability of the UN Personnel.
She is also coordinating the negotiations on the elaboration of the draft comprehensive convention on international terrorism within the Ad Hoc Committee established by G.A. 51/210 of 17.12.96 and the relevant working group of the Sixth Committee.

Biographie orateur : Prof. Michel Veuthey

Prof. Michel Veuthey

Michel Veuthey is Vice-President of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and Professeur associé at the “Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement” (IDPD) of Nice University (France). Michel Veuthey had a long career (1967-2000) with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva as a specialist in international humanitarian law. The positions he held at the ICRC include: Member of the Legal Division during the preparatory works and the sessions of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts (1974-1977); Head of the International Organizations Division; Delegate General for Europe and North America; Assistant to the President of the ICRC; Head of Delegation, ICRC Regional Delegation for Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (Pretoria); and Legal Advisor for the 50th Anniversary of the 1949 Geneva Conventions. He also carried out short field assignments in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Michel Veuthey holds a Bachelor of Laws (1965) and Doctor of Laws (1976) from the University of Geneva. He has lectured widely on international humanitarian law and is the author of a book and many articles on the subject. He was Member of the Board of MSF-Switzerland for four years (2000-2004) and was the Academic Director of the International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA) organized in New York, Geneva and Dublin (2000-2003). He has been the Director of the Summer Courses on International Humanitarian Law in San Remo since 2000. He has been President of the “Cercle des Amitiés Internationales” in Geneva since 2005.


Book :

Guérilla et droit humanitaire, Genève, Institut Henry-Dunant, 1976, 431 pages. Deuxième édition augmentée : Genève, CICR, 1983, 451 p.

Articles :

“La Croix-Rouge et les conflits non internationaux” Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, Genève, août 1970, pp. 467-480 (article paru également dans la même Revue en anglais, en espagnol et en allemand)

“Règles et Principes de Droit International Humanitaire Applicables dans la Guérilla”, Revue Belge de Droit International, Bruxelles, 2/1971, pp. 505-539

”Instructions militaires sur le traitement des prisonniers dans la guérilla” Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, Genève, mars 1972, pp. 139-151 (paru également en anglais)

“La guérilla : le problème du traitement des prisonniers” Annales d’Etudes Internationales, Genève, 1972, pp. 119-136

“Instructions militaires relatives au traitement des prisonniers dans les situations de guérilla” in INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE DROIT HUMANITAIRE, Norme Umanitarie e Istruzioni Militari, Milano, Giuffrè, 1973 pp. 155-175

“Réfugiés et violence” Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, Genève, février 1973, pp. 112-114

“Some Problems of Humanitarian Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts and Guerrilla Warfare” in BASSIOUNI, M.C. and NANDA, V.P. (Editors), A Treatise on International Criminal Law, Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1973, pp. 422-452

“Comportement et statut des combattants. Quelques réflexions”, Revue de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre, Bruxelles No XII-2, 1973

“Guerres de libération et droit humanitaire”, Revue des droits de l’homme, Strasbourg,
Vol VII, No 1, pp. 98—106 (1974)

”Les conflits armés de caractère non-international et le droit humanitaire” in CASSESE, Antonio (Editor), Current Problems of International Law, Milano, Giuffrè, 1975, pp. 175-266

“The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Protection of Human Rights” in FORSYTH, C.F. and SCHILLER, J.E. (Editors), Human Rights : The Cape Town Conference. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Rights in South Africa, 22-26 January 1979, Cape Town, Juta & Co, 1979, pp. 207-223

“Implementation and Enforcement of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Non-International Armed Coflicts : the Role of the International Committee of the Red Cross”,The American University Law Review, Washington DC, Vol. 33, Fall 1983, Nr 1, pp. 83-97

“Combatants : Who are they and what are their main mutual obligations ?” in BELGIAN RED CROSS, Guerilla and International Humanitarian Law, Brussels, 1984, pp. 35-46

“Pour une politique humanitaire” in SWINARSKI, C. (Ed.),Etudes et essais sur le droit international humanitaire et sur les principes de la Croix-Rouge en l’honneur de Jean Pictet, La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1984, pp. 989-1009

“La collaboration internationale pour l’application du droit humanitaire” in HANGARTNER, Yvo, TRECHSEL, Stefan (Editors), Völkerrecht im Dienste des Menschen. Festschrift für Hans Haug, Bern/Stuttgart, Verlag Paul Haupt, 1986, pp. 379-399

“El Derecho a la supervivencia fundamento del Derecho humanitario” Revista Argentina de Derecho Militar, Buenos Aires, No 4, Julio 1986, pp. 15-25

“The Humanitarian Network : Implementing Humanitarian Law through International Co-operation” Bulletin of Peace Proposals Oslo, Vol. 18, No 2, April 1987, pp. 133-146

“The Global Reach of International Humanitarian Law” in HINGORANI, R.C. (Editor) Humanitarian Law. A Felicitation Volume in honour of Professor Jovica Patrnogic, New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1987, pp. 39-54

“Le droit à la vie, fondement du droit humanitaire” in PREMONT, Daniel (Rédacteur général), Essais sur le concept de “Droit de vivre” en mémoire de Yougindra Khushalani, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1988, pp. 233-249

“La contribution du droit international humanitaire au rétablissement de la paix” in THURER, Daniel et al (Ed.),Im Dienst an der Gemeinschaft. Festschrift für Dietrich Schindler zum 65. Geburtstag, Basel/Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1989, pp. 341-360

“Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) et la coopération humanitaire internationale”,Geneva Yearbook 1989, Genève, pp. 95-110

“Le droit à la survie, fondement du droit humanitaire” International Institute of Humanitarian Law Yearbook, San Remo, 1986-87 (1989), pp. 49-63

“Forces d’un symbole” Almanach de la Croix-Rouge suisse, Berne, 1991, pp. 62-65

“De la Guerre d’Octobre 1973 au Conflit du Golfe en 1991 : les appels du CICR pour la protection de la population civile” in DELISSEN, Astrid J.M. & TANJA, Gerard J. (Editors), Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict. Challenges Ahead. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1992, pp. 527-543

“The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to the Restoration of Peace” in CAHILL, Kevin M. (Editor), A Framework for Survival. Health, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Assistance in Conflicts and Disasters, New York, 1993, pp. 41-51

“Assessing Humanitarian Law” in WEISS, Thomas G. and MINEAR, Larry (Editors) Humanitarianism Across Borders. Sustaining Civilians in Times of War, Boulder & London, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, pp. 125-149

“Les organisations non gouvernementales dans l’intervention humanitaire” in ACADEMIE UNIVERSELLE DES CULTURES, Intervenir ? Droits de la personne et raisons d’Etat. Forum international sur l’intervention. La Sorbonne, 16 et 17 décembre 1993, Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1994, pp. 266-267

“The International Committee of the Red Cross” in MacKINLAY, John (Ed.), A Guide for Peace Support Operations, Providence, RI, Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, Brown University, 1996, pp. 121-132.

“L'humanitaire de la Croix-Rouge et d'Henri Dunant” in LAUBIER, Patrick de (Ed.),
L'An 2000. L'Humanitaire et les valeurs. Colloque du 8 mai 1996, Genève, Institut Henri-Dunant/Département de sociologie de l'Université de Genève, 1997, pp. 10-21.

“The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to the Restoration and Maintenance of Peace” African Security Review, Johannesburg, Volume 7 1998 Number 5, pp. 26-35”

“The Contribution of the 1949 Geneva Conventions to International Security”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol. 18, Nr. 3, 1999, pp. 22-26.

“The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to the Restoration of Peace” in CAHILL, Kevin M. (Editor), A Framework for Survival. Health, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Assistance in Conflicts and Disasters. Health, Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance in Conflicts and Disasters, New York, A joint publication of Routledge and the Center for International Health and Cooperation, 1999, pp. 109-121 (Revised and Updated)

"La contribution des Conventions de Genève de 1949 à la sécurité
internationale" in GODENZI, Alberto (Ed.) Konflikte verbinden, Freiburg
(Schweiz), Universitätsverlag, 2001, pp. 97-113.

"Remedies to Promote the Respect of Fundamental Human Values in
Non-International Armed Conflicts", The Israeli Yearbook on Human
Rights, Vol. 30 (2001), pp. 37-77.

« International Humanitarian Law and Spirituality » Refugee Survey Quarterly, Geneva, UNHCR, Vo. 21, No. 3, 2002, pp. 45-110

“Médecin et droit humanitaire” Médecine&Hygiène, Genève, Vol. 60,
Nr. 2408, 9 octobre 2002, pp. 1867-1869

“Humanitarian Ethical and Legal Standards” in Kevin M. CAHILL (Ed.) Basics of International Humanitarian Missions. New York, Fordham University Press and The Center for International Health and Cooperation, 2003, 350 p

«From Solferino to Kosovo : The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to International Security » in John CAREY, William V. DUNLAP, R. John PRITCHARD (Editors). International Humanitarian Law. Origins. New York, Transnational Publishers, Ardsley, New York, 2003, pp. 207-238.

«Learning from History : Accession to the Conventions, Special Agreements, and Unilateral Declarations » Proceedings of the Bruges Colloquium. Relevance of International Humanitarian Law to Non-State Actors (25-26 October 2003) Collegium. Bruges, College of Europe, No. 27, Spring 2003, pp. 139-151 (Résumé en français).

-“Disregarding the Geneva Conventions on the Protection of War Victims” in CAHILL, Kevin M. (Editor) “Traditions, Values, and Humanitarian Action” New York, A joint publication of Fordham University Press and The Center for International Health and Cooperation, New York, 2003, pp. 276- 304

« Public Conscience in Humanitarian Action » Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol. 22, Number 4, 2003, pp. 197-224.

« Le droit international humanitaire face à la guerre contre le terrorisme »
SOS-ATTENTATS, Terrorisme, victimes et responsabilité pénale internationale, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 2003, pp. 516-529

« La protection du personnel sanitaire et religieux en droit international humanitaire » in CONSEIL PONTIFICAL « JUSTICE ET PAIX ». CONGREGATION POUR LES EVEQUES. Le droit humanitaire et les aumôniers militaires. Cours international pour la formation des aumôniers catholiques militaires au droit humanitaire (Rome, 25-26 mars 2003). Cité du Vatican, 2004, pp. 72-82.

« Public Conscience in International Humanitarian Law Today » in : FISCHER, Horst, FROISSART, Ulrike, HEINTSCHELL von HEINEGG, Wolff, RAAP (Editors) Krisensicherung und Humanitärer Schutz – Crisis Management and Humanitarian Protection. Festschrift für Dieter Fleck, Berlin, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag (BWV), 2004, pp. 611-642.

« The need for a universal humanitarian order » Foresight, Vol. 7, No 1 2005, pp. 26-46

« Implementing International Humanitarian Law : Old and New Ways » in : RAMCHARAN, Bertrand G. (Ed.) Human Rights Protection in the Field. Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2006, pp. 87-117.

« Protecting Human Dignity in All Circumstances : Towards a Continuum of Protection » Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2006, pp. 162-167.

« From Confrontation to Cooperation : From Criminal Justice towards Reconciliation – The Needs for Complementary Approaches » in BERUTO, Gian Luca (Ed.) Justice and Reconciliation. An Integrated Approach. SanRemo, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, 2007, pp. 113-119


CD-ROM for the “International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance” (IDHA) Participants. Prepared by Michel Veuthey and Frédéric Zanetta. December 2000 (IDHA 7), May 2001 (IDHA 8), January 2002 (IDHA 9), May 2002 (IDHA 10), January 2003 (IDHA 11), May 2003 (IDHA 12).

CD-ROM for the Summer Course on International Humanitarian Law. Prepared by Michel Veuthey with Gianluca Beruto, San Remo (Italy), July 2001, July 2002, July 2003, July 2004, July 2005, July 2006, July 2007, July 2008

CD-ROM for the XXXIst Round Table, prepared with Pauline Vanseymortier.

27 August 2008
San Remo / Genève.

Biographie orateur : Prof. Steven Ratner

Prof. Steven RATNER

Steven Ratner is Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School. Until 2004, he was the Albert Sidney Burleson Professor in Law at the University of Texas School of Law at Austin. He holds a J.D. from Yale; an M.A. (diplôme) from the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales (Geneva), and an A.B. from Princeton. His research has focused on new challenges facing new governments and international institutions after the Cold War, including ethnic conflict, territorial borders, implementation of peace agreements, and accountability for human rights violations. He has written and spoken extensively on the law of war, and is also interested in the intersection of international law and moral philosophy. In 1998-1999, he served as a member of the UN Secretary-General’s three-person Group of Experts for Cambodia, and from 1998-2008 he was a member of the Board of Editors of the American Journal of International Law. Among his recent publications on IHL are "Think Again: Geneva Conventions," Foreign Policy, March/April 2008; "Predator and Prey: Seizing and Killing Suspected Terrorists Abroad." Journal of Political Philosophy. 15, no. 3 (2007): 251-75; and "Foreign Occupation and International Territorial Administration: The Challenges of Convergence," European Journal of International Law 16, no. 4 (2005): 695-719.

Biographie orateur : Dr. Massimo Barra

Dr. Massimo BARRA

Massimo Barra is one of the first medical doctors in Italy to take care of drug users. He started his activity at the Centre for Social Diseases in Rome in 1974 and 2 years after he founded Villa Maraini, the Foundation he has directed for more than 30 years.
Red Cross Volunteer since the age of 8, Dr. Massimo Barra has been Chairman of the Italian Red Cross Youth for 8 years, and, for 21 years, Chairman of the 70.000 Relief Volunteers active in 1050 locations in Italy.
On December 11 2005, he was elected National President of the Italian Red Cross with 623 votes
out of 637.
In Geneva at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, Massimo Barra has been President of the Youth Commission from 1974 to 1982, President of the Development Commission in the periods 1982 to 1990 and 2005 to 2008, and finally Vice-President from 2004 to 2005.
He has taken part in more than 350 missions to more than one hundred Countries for the Red Cross.
Chief of "Madonna del Tufo" Hospital (1986 - 2005), President of ERNA, the European Red Cross Network on AIDS, from 1998 to 2003, in 2003 board member of the Global Fund (GFATM), he his author of hundreds of publications and articles concerning the Red Cross, substance abuse, First Aid and AIDS.
On November 2007, he was elected Vice President of the Standing Commission of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Biographie orateur : Ms. Olivia Swaak-Goldman


Olivia Swaak-Goldman is an International Cooperation Advisor in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
Previously she was Senior Legal Counsel in the International Law Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for international criminal law, international humanitarian law and secondarily terrorism.
She has also worked at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and the ICTY and has published extensively on areas of international criminal law and international humanitarian law.

Biographie orateur : Prof. Michael Bothe

Professor Michael BOTHE

Professor emeritus, Dr.iur.
Born 1938 in Berlin. He studied law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Hamburg and International Relations at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva.
From 1964 to 1979, he was research assistant/fellow at the Max Planck Institute for comparative Public Law and International law, Heidelberg, 1968/69 also visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
He passed the State Examinations in Law in Heidelberg (1961) and Stuttgart (1966), obtained the diploma of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva (1966), the doctorate in law in Heidelberg (1967) and the “Habilitation” also in Heidelberg (1974). 1974-77, he was a member of the German delegation to the Geneva Diplomatic Conference on International Humanitarian Law.
He served as Professor of Public Law, in particular international law at the Universities of Heidelberg, Hannover and Frankfurt 1977-2003. In addition, he was visiting professor/lecturer at different universities in Europe, the United States and Australia. He directed and coordinated a number of major international research projects. He also served as the coordinator of the Tacis Project “Creation of an Institute of European Law at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations” (1996-2000). He was Vice-President and President, European Environmental Law Association 1993-1998; President, German Society for International Law 2001-2005.
He is Chair, Commission for International Humanitarian Law, German Red Cross, and President of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission. He also served as counsel in various cases before the International Court of Justice and the German Federal Constitutional Court.
He is the author of numerous publications on international law and the use of force, international humanitarian law, international, European and comparative environmental law as well as comparative constitutional law, including:
- New Rules for Victims of Armed Conflicts, Commentary on the 1977 Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, Den Hague/Boston/London 1982, (with K.J. Partsch, W.A. Solf);
- The OSCE in the Maintenance of Peace and Security. Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Peaceful settlements of Disputes, Den Haag et al. 1997, (co-editor with Natalino Ronzitti and Allan Rosas);
- The New Chemical Weapons Convention - Implementation and Prospects, Den Haag et al. 1998, (co-editor with Natalino Ronzitti und Allan Rosas);
- Towards a Better Implementation of International Humanitarian Law. Berlin 2001 (ed.).

Biographie Orateur : Dr. Daphna Shraga

Dr. Daphna SHRAGA

Holder of an L.L.B and L.L.M from Tel-Aviv University, and PhD from the “Institut de hautes études internationales et du developpement”, Geneva, Switzerland.
Between 1979 and 1985, served in the International Law Branch of the Judge Advocate General’s Unit in the Israel Defence Force, and joined the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs in 1989.
Participated in the drafting and negotiation of the legal framework for the establishment of the two ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Extraordinary Chambers for Cambodia, and most recently the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Published various articles on the international criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, the second generation UN-based tribunals, the applicability of international humanitarian law to UN peacekeeping operations and the applicability of the laws of occupation to UN transitional administrations (Kosovo and East Timor).

Biographie orateur : Vice-Admiral Sanfelice di Monteforte

Vice Admiral

Vice Admiral Sanfelice di Monteforte was born in Rome on 18 May 1944. He joined the Italian Naval Academy in 1962 and graduated as Ensign in July 1966.
After several appointments as Weapons Officer and Executive Officer on board cruisers, frigates and corvettes, he served as Commanding Officer of corvette ALCIONE, and later of the frigate MAESTRALE.

In 1984 he was assigned to the Navy General Staff in Rome in the Plans and Operations Department, then from 1986 to 1989 he was assigned to the Italian Embassy in Washington as Naval Attaché and Liaison Officer to SACLANT.
In 1989 he commanded the cruiser ANDREA DORIA and in 1990 he was Chief of Staff, Second Naval Division.
Following attendance at the Joint Centre of High Defence Studies in Rome, he was promoted to Flag rank on 31 December 1992.
As Flag Officer his main appointments were: Navy General Staff as Head of Public Information Office and COMNAVSOUTH as ACOS Logistics and Administration Division and Multinational Logistic Commander CTF 440 during Operation SHARP GUARD.
From October 1996 to October 1998 he was appointed Flag Officer Second Naval Division.
In November 1998 he was appointed Chief of Staff to the CINC Italian Fleet/ COMEDCENT.
Promoted Vice Admiral on 1 January 2000 he assumed the position of Deputy Chief of Staff, SHAPE on 24 January 2000.
From 01 November 2002 he was appointed as Commander Naval Forces Southern Europe and renamed since 1 July 2004 as Commander Maritime Component Command Naples (MARCOM NAPLES).
Since 11 July 2005 he has been the Italian Military Representative to the NATO and EU Military Committees.

He has been awarded the distinctions of:
- Knight Commander of the Order for Merit of Republic of Italy
- Bronze Medal for Navy merit
- Silver medal for Long Command Duty
- Silver Medal for Long Sea Duty
- NATO and WEU medals for service in the Former Yugoslavia Operations
- Officer US Legion of Merit
- Honour and Devotion Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
- Grand Cross of Justice of the Sacred Military Constantine Order of Saint Giorgio
- Knight Commander of the Order of Merit of Saint John
- Spanish Great Cross of Naval Merit with white cordon
- NATO Meritorious Service Medal
- Strategy and Peace – Aracne Editrice - 2008
Vice Admiral Sanfelice di Monteforte has three daughters – Ginevra, Carolina and Sofia – and one son, Giuseppe Augusto.

Biographie orateur : Dr Tristan Ferraro

Dr. Tristan FERRARO

Tristan Ferraro works at ICRC's HQ as thematic legal adviser in charge inter alia of the law of occupation and the law applicable to multinational forces. He is head of Project on occupation and other forms of administration of foreign territory established by the ICRC in 2007. He also spent some missions in the field for the ICRC in particular in Afghanistan and in Israel/Occupied Territories as legal adviser. Tristan Ferraro hold a doctorate in law (Dr. iur.) and has worked previously as lecturer at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

Biographie orateur : Dr. Ralph Wilde

Dr Ralph WILDE
Dr Ralph Wilde has been a member of the Faculty of Laws at University College London, University of London since July 2002, where he is currently Vice Dean for Research. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. Ralph works in the fields of international law and international relations. His current research focuses on the administration of territory by international organizations and foreign states, the concept of trusteeship in international law and public policy, and the extraterritorial application of human rights norms. His book addressing the first two of these topics, International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and the Civilizing Mission Never Went Away was published by OUP in 2008. Ralph has been awarded grants for his research from several leading UK arts and humanities funding bodies: the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust and the Nuffield Foundation.

Ralph works as a consultant on international law to governments, international organizations, non-governmental entities and organizations and private clients, and in this capacity represented the UK at a diplomatic meeting with the Chinese government on China’s possible ratification of the ICCPR, assisted the Chagos Islanders in their legal action against the UK in relation to their removal from what is now called the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), and is currently advising the Negotiation Support Unit on possibilities for internationalization and joint sovereignty over Jerusalem.

At the International Law Association (ILA) Ralph is a member of the international Executive Council and the International Committee on Human Rights Law, and serves as Rapporteur of the Study Group on UN Reform and Joint Honorary Secretary of the British Branch. At the American Society of International Law Ralph is a member of the Executive Council. He is also a Trustee and a member of the Management Committee and Board of Directors of the AIRE (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe) Centre in London, and a member of the executive Committee of the UK Human Rights Lawyers’ Association.

Biographies orateurs : Dr. Denis Caillaux


Before joining the Global Movement for Children as Special Representative, Denis Caillaux held the position of Secretary General of CARE-International, a largeNGO with over 15,000 staff in 60 countries. Previously, he served for 25 years with UNICEF, first in the field in Thailand, Laos,Ghana, and Senegal then at Headquarters as Deputy Director of the Programme Funding Office and later as Secretary of the UNICEF Executive Board.
Mr. Caillaux is a graduate from Sciences Po in Paris, and holds a Law degree from the Sorbonne. He is also a graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT) and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.Mr. Caillaux was the first Chair of the Board of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership ( HAP ) from 2004 to 2007. He is a Member of the Institute.

Biographie orateur : Prof. Marco Sassòli

Prof. Marco SASSÒLI

Marco Sassòli, national of Switzerland and Italy, is since March 2004 ordinary professor of international law at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and chairs the boards of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and of Geneva Call, an NGO with the objective to engage armed non-State actors to adhere to humanitarian norms. He is also member of the board of the International Council on Human Rights Policy. From 2001-2003, he has been regular professor of international law at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, where he remains associate professor. He is also associate professor at the University of Laval.

Marco Sassòli graduated as doctor of laws at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and is member of the Swiss bar. He has worked from 1985-1997 for the International Committee of the Red Cross at the headquarters, inter alia as deputy head of its legal division, and in the Middle East and the Balkans, inter alia as head of delegation in Jordan and Syria and as protection co-ordinator for the former Yugoslavia.

He has also served as executive secretary of the International Commission of Jurists and as registrar at the Swiss Supreme Court.

He has published on international humanitarian law (see in particular M. Sassòli & A. Bouvier, How Does Law Protect in War?, 2nd ed., Geneva, ICRC, 2006, 2473 pp.), human rights law, international criminal law, international law and private actors, the sources of international law, and on state responsibility.

Biographie orateur : Ms. Jelena Pejic

Ms. Jelena PEJIC
Jelena Pejic is Head of Project on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law established by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in October 2002.
She also serves as a Legal Adviser at the ICRC's Legal Division in Geneva responsible, among other things, for issues related to terrorism and international humanitarian law. Prior to joining the ICRC, she was a Senior Program Coordinator at the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights in New York (now Human Rights First), responsible for the Committee’s work on issues of international criminal justice, including the establishment of a permanent International Criminal Court.
Ms. Pejic holds an LL.M. degree from Columbia University Law School and a law degree from Belgrade University Law School, where she was a lecturer in Public International Law and International Relations. She has written and presented extensively on various issues of international humanitarian law, human rights law and criminal law.

Biographie Orateur : Ms Corinna Kuhl

Ms. Corinna KUHL

Ms. Corinna Kuhl is the Acting Chief of the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, a position she has held since August 2007. She joined UN peacekeeping in 1997 and has served both at Headquarters and in the field, including deployments in Angola and Sierra Leone. At Headquarters, she worked directly for the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations and also served as Deputy Chief of the DPKO Situation Centre before being appointed to the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section. Ms. Kuhl joined the United Nations in 1989.

Biographie Orateur : S.E. M. l'Amb. Benoît d'Aboville

S.E. M. l'Ambassadeur Benoît d'ABOVILLE

Diplomate, Conseiller Maître en service extraordinaire à la Cour des Comptes

M. Benoît d'Aboville, Ministre Plénipotentiaire, après avoir servi à Washington, Moscou et New York été Ambassadeur à Prague, Varsovie et Représentant Permanent à l’OTAN (2002-2005), il est, depuis octobre 2005, détaché comme Conseiller Maître en service extraordinaire à la Cour des comptes.

Né en 1942 à Rabat (Maroc), et à l’issue d’études à la Faculté de Droit et à Sciences Po de Paris ainsi qu’à l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), M d'Aboville a été affecté à l’ambassade de France à Washington (1969-1973) puis à Moscou (1973-1976). Il servira ensuite au Centre d’Analyse et de Prévision au Quai d’Orsay (1976-1977) où il suit notamment les questions de droit de l’homme et au Cabinet du Ministre (1977-1978).

Chef adjoint de la mission permanente de la France auprès du Comité du désarmement à Genève (1979) il est nommé sous directeur à la Direction des affaires Politique au Quai d’Orsay (1980-1986) où il sera en charge des questions de contrôle des armements. Comme adjoint au chef de la délégation française à la conférence de la CSCE à Madrid. (1980) il participera à tous les travaux concernant les questions de droits de l’homme et de questions humanitaires. Il retrouvera ces mêmes questions comme Directeur adjoint des Affaires Politiques de 1987 à 1989. Nommé Consul Général de France à New York (1989-1993), Ambassadeur en République Tchèque (1994-1997) puis en Pologne (1997-2001), il servira comme Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent de la France à l’OTAN à Bruxelles de 2001 à 2005.

Détaché en 2005 comme Conseiller Maître à la Cour des Comptes en service extraordinaire A ce titre il a participé notamment à un enquête sur l’aide humanitaire aux victimes du tsunami en Asie du sud Est et à un audit international de la Direction des Affaires politiques du Secrétariat Général des nations Unies à New York.

Il a été nommé en 2007 par le Président Sarkozy comme membre de la Commission Nationale du Livre Blanc sur la défense et la Sécurité Nationale.

B d’Aboville est également membre du Conseil de Perfectionnement de l’Ecole Militaire de Saint Cyr (qui forme tous les officiers de l’Armée de Terre), conseiller du Centre d’Analyse et de Prévision du ministère des affaires Etrangères et membre du Conseil des études du Ministère de la Défense. Il est membre du jury du prix de l’Annuaire Français de Droit International. Il est également évaluateur des Ambassadeurs en poste pour le compte du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. d’Aboville est marié à Madame Benedetta CRAVERI, professeur d’Université (Lettres) à Naples (Italie) et auteur de plusieurs livres et essais (Mme du Deffand et son Monde, l’Age de la Conversation, Reines et Favorites etc ….)

Il a contribué à divers essais et articles touchant aux questions de défense et de politique étrangère,..) et notamment:

· Revue « Commentaire » n° 115 automne 2006 : « où va l’OTAN aujourd’hui » p 577 à 588
· Revue Défense Nationale mars 2007 « L’Occident, l’Europe face aux nouveaux défis »
· George C Marshall Center Garmish Partenkirchen Senior Executive Seminar April 17-25 2007 :“The internal dynamics of NATO expansion: a perspective from an old NATO member”
· IDEAS 2006 SEMINAR Strategic studies Center Karachi (Pakistan )
« Expanding the reach of NATO – Impact on the future Asian Security Dynamics »
· « OTAN-UE : quelles synergies possibles » dans « Quel avenir pour l’OTAN » Ouvrage collectif Editions L’Harmattan sous la direction de Pierre Pascallon mai 2007
· Nouveaux cahiers franco Polonais (centre de civilisation polonaise de l’Université paris Sorbonne) n° 3/ 2004 contribution au Colloque Gustaw Herling Grudzinski :
« Le regard de l’exilé sur la Pologne libérée »
· Le débat de politique étrangère française 1974-2004 cahiers du centre d’Analyse et de Prévision « 30 ème anniversaire du CAP ». p70-75
· « A recast Partnership ? Institutionnal dimensions of transatlantic relations” in Simon Serfaty CSIS Washington 2008, repris dans « Les soixante ans de l’OTAN » in « Politique Etrangère » Revue de l’IFRI 1-2008 Paris .